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Impact of Staff Qualification and Training on Performance of the Core Function Activities (CFA) of the Communicable Disease Surveillance System, Gazera State, Sudan, 2009


This study assessed the performance of the core function activities (CFA) of the Communicable Disease Surveillance system and response (CDSs) existing in Gazera State. The first assessment of disease surveillance being conducted in the area during 2008-2009. The assessment findings facilitate the identification of exact areas for improvement and consequently was used in surveillance system improvement as well as a baseline for future reform plans (1). Communicable diseases in Gazera State continue to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality (2). The State was one of the states that experienced epidemics of serious diseases such as Acute Watery Diarrhoea, Cerebro-spinal Meningitis, Rift valley Fever..etc. During the last decade, the state has witnessed more than twenty epidemics resulting in high morbidity and mortalities, as reported in 2006-2007(1). This was coupled with struggling health services and health information system and this was stated in the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) annual report 2008 (2).


The aim of this study is to assess the impact of staff qualification and training on the performance of Core Function Activities (CFA) Of Communicable Disease Surveillance System in Gazera State, Sudan.

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