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GIS Analysis of Tularemia Outbreaks in Armenia, 1996-2013


The Armenian landscape is composed of a complex mountainous relief (400-4095 m above sea level) with several landscape-ecological zones. Fauna diversity is conditioned by ecological factors, 13 families of rodents, and 12 types of vectors. Because of these complex ecological features, many diseases remain endemic in the country. For example, approximately 95% of Armenia is a natural focus for tularemia. Rodents (voles/Microtus socialis) play the most important role in the epizotoology of tularemia. Voles inhabit all the landscape-ecological zones 1400-3300 m above sea level. In addition, 80 types of parasite ticks and fleas are found in all ecological zones of Armenia.


We have applied GIS methodologies to create a retrospective analysis of tularemia outbreaks in the Republic of Armenia.

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