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Firework Injuries - Kansas Department of Health and Environment

This syndrome was created to query NSSP ESSENCE for KS ED visits related to fireworks, particularly around the United States Independence Day holiday. Legality and slang for firework injuries will vary by region and some terms in this query are fairly region-specific.

Syndromic Surveillance System - NSSP ESSENCE

Data Source - Emergency Room Visits

Fields Used - Chief Complaint History, Discharge Diagnosis History OR CCDD (an ESSENCE-concatenated field of Chief Complaint and Discharge Diagnosis)

Syndrome Definition

W39 OR punk OR artillery OR shell ANDNOT (fish OR nut OR pistachio) OR bomb OR sparkl OR grenad OR rocket OR m80 OR m 80 OR (fire AND cracker) OR (fire AND work) OR (fire AND show) OR (roman AND candle) Please note - If the CCDD field in ESSENCE is queried, "M80" is a common diagnosis code and negation terms must be incorporated to exclude these diagnosis code cases while also capturing the firework term "m80".

Submitting Author Organization
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Submitting Author Email
Referenced File
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