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An Evaluation of the Biosense 2.0 "Poisoning by Medicines" Syndrome Using Chief-Complaint Data in Utah


BioSense 2.0 uses predetermined syndromes based upon ICD-9 codes and chief complaint data to allow users to view and analyze data from emergency department (ED) visits, yet further validations of these syndromes are needed. Previous studies have validated syndromic surveillance syndromes by comparing chief complaint data to discharge diagnosis; however, these efforts are not possible for jurisdictions in which facilities do not submit ICD-9 code data. Currently in Utah, the syndromic surveillance data submitted includes only chief complaint information. Thus, efforts to validate BioSense syndromes, such the “poisoning by medicines” syndrome, can be informed by but not analyzed in accordance with ICD-9 code and discharge diagnosis data in Utah.


To evaluate the BioSense 2.0 “poisoning by medicines” syndrome by determining chief complaint terms for inclusion and exclusion based upon pre-defined ICD-9 codes and a comparison of binned and unbinned chief complaint data.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on