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Discovering the New Frontier of Syndromic Surveillance (Pt 5): A Meaningful Use Dialogue on Inpatient and Ambulatory EHR Technology


This is a part of the ISDS March Meaningful Use Webinar series called "Discovering the New Frontier of Syndromic Surveillance: A Meaningful Use Dialogue."

This webinar provides insight into Electronic Health Record (EHR) technology in both inpatient and ambulatory care settings.  Over the course of the webinar participants will learn to identify core EHR components as well as common challenges surrounding data access and quality. Additionally, the webinar will focus on specifics of the business purpose of EHR technology and how EHR implementation needs may differ by setting.  This presentation will serve as an introduction to ISDS’s Meaningful Use Webinar Series entitled “Discovering the New Frontier of Syndromic Surveillance: A Meaningful Use Dialogue”, which will run weekly throughout the month of March.

Presented by Michelle Siefert from Cerner Corporation and Corey Spears from McKesson Corporation.