This webinar is part of the Meaningful Use Webinar Series entitled "Discovering the New Frontier of Syndromic Surveillance: A Meaningful Use Dialogue"
Dr. Cynthia Lucero continues our Meaningful Use webinar series with an introduction to syndromic surveillance within the Department of Veterans Affairs. Her talk introduces many of the policy and operational decisions that influenced the VA's use of ambulatory and inpatient EHR records for syndromic surveillance. Dr. Lucero also discusses data quality and utility and describes how the VA's data use supports the federal Meaningful Use objectives. This is the first of two webinars in the series to discuss Meaningful Use EHR implementation on a federal level.
Cynthia Lucero, MD CIC, Medical Epidemiologist, VHA Office of Public Health, Office of Public Health Surveillance and Research, Department of Veterans Affairs
Date and Time
Thursday, March 15, 2012