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Discovering the New Frontier of Syndromic Surveillance (Pt 1): A Meaningful Use Dialogue on the Nebraska and Washington Implementations


This webinar is part of the Meaningful Use Webinar Series entitled "Discovering the New Frontier of Syndromic Surveillance: A Meaningful Use Dialogue"

Our third Meaningful Use webinar continues our discussion on state implementation of inpatient Electronic Health Record (EHR) technology for syndromic surveillance. Natasha Close and Eryn Murphy will introduce a high level analysis of implementation in their states, Washington and Nebraska. The webinar willl discuss data collection processes and challenges, as well as specifics on individual data element use and description. Additionally, the presenters will discuss the current legal climate surrounding state use of EHRs for public health purposes.


Natasha Close, MPH, Surveillance Epidemiologist, Office of Communicable Disease Epidemiology, Washington State Department of Health

Eryn Murphy, MS, Epidemiology Syndromic Surveillance Coordinator, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services

Date and Time

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Referenced File