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A comparison of the fever–flu syndrome category with the SC ILINet surveillance system in South Carolina: 2009–2010 influenza season


The South Carolina Aberration Alerting Network (SCAAN) is a collaborative network of syndromic systems within South Carolina. Currently, SCAAN contains the following data sources: SC Hospital Emergency Department chief-complaint data, Poison Control Center call data, Over-the-Counter pharmaceutical sales surveillance, and CDC’s BioSense biosurveillance system. The Influenza-like Illness Network (ILINet) is a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control, state health departments and health care providers. ILINet is one of several components of SC’s influenza surveillance.



This paper compares the SCAAN hospital-based fever–flu syndrome category with the South Carolina Outpatient ILINet provider surveillance system. This is the first comparison of South Carolina’s syndromic surveillance SCAAN data with ILINet data since SCAAN’s deployment.

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