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Collecting Infectious Disease Data from LARS and Improving Data Quality in Taiwan


To immediately monitor disease outbreaks, the application of laboratory-based surveillance is more popular in recent years. Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (TCDC) has developed LARS to collect the laboratory-confirmed cases caused by any of 20 pathogens daily via automated submitting of reports from hospital laboratory information system (LIS) to LARS since 2014 [1]. LOINC is used as standardized format for messaging inspection data [1, 2]. There are 37 hospitals have joined LARS, coverage rate about 59% of all hospitals in Taiwan. Recently, more than 10,000 of data are collected weekly and used in monitoring pathogen activity [3]. Therefore, it is important to ensure data quality that the data will lead to valuable information for public health surveillance.


To improve data quality and sustain a good quality data collected by Laboratory Automated Reporting System (LARS), we use a Threestage Data Quality Correction (3DQC) strategy to ensure data accuracy.


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