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CDCPlot: an Application for Viewing Weekly CDC MMWR Disease Count Data


The CDC provides data on incidences of diseases on its website ( Data is available at national, regional, and state levels, and is uploaded to the CDC’s website on a weekly basis. The CDCPlot web application (available at CDCPlot/), built using the Shiny package in R, provides a quick and user-friendly method of visualizing this data. Users are able to the select timeframes, locations, and diseases which they wish to view, and plots are produced. There is an optional alert threshold, which will alert users when a disease increases significantly from one week to the next. In addition, CDCPlot provides visualizations of CDC data on Pneumonia and Influenza mortality.


To demonstrate the current features and functionality of the CDCPlot application, and to introduce potential new features of the application. 

Submitted by rmathes on