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CDC Broad Acute Respiratory DD v1

Query purpose: 

To assist state, tribal, local, territorial, and federal public health practitioners in identifying visits in the emergency department (ED) and urgent care (UC) settings with diagnostic codes associated with a broad range of acute respiratory illnesses. This includes codes associated with specific respiratory infections (e.g., Influenza, respiratory syncytial virus [RSV], or coronavirus), and codes associated with general respiratory illness such as cough or pneumonia.

Query Description:

This definition is designed to capture visits for a broad range of respiratory conditions using discharge diagnoses.

How it was developed: This definition has been developed over time with input from a variety of subject matter experts. The definition is also being used for identifying acute respiratory illnesses in the Respiratory Virus Laboratory Emergency Department Network Surveillance system (RESP-LENS).

How it works:

The Discharge Diagnosis field is used to query the diagnosis codes to develop the syndrome definition.

  • Inclusion based on sex trafficking or sexual exploitation discharge diagnosis codes:
    • Automatic inclusion (yes):
      • If a diagnosis code indicating any of the specific terms listed is present, the visit is automatically included in the syndrome.
    • Automatic inclusion (no):
      • Codes for “dyspnea, unspecified” and “shortness of breath” will only result in inclusion if the code for “fever” is also included. Likewise, the code for “fever” will only result in inclusion if the code for “dyspnea, unspecified” or “shortness of breath” is included.

For consideration:

Because this is an intentionally broad definition, interpretation must also be broad, i.e., it is not meant to provide pathogen-specific information. In addition, RSV-specific coding is often not routinely submitted for non-pediatric populations.

Syndrome Definition

^[;/ ]A22.1^,or,^[;/ ]A221^,or,^[;/ ]A37^,or,^[;/ ]A48.1^,or,^[;/ ]A481^,or,^[;/ ]B25.0^,or,^[;/ ]B250^,or,^[;/ ]B34.[29]^,or,^[;/ ]B34[29]^,or,^[;/ ]B44.[09]^,or,^[;/ ]B44[09]^,or,^[;/ ]B44.81^,or,^[;/ ]B4481^,or,^[;/ ]B97.[24]^,or,^[;/ ]B97[24]^,or,^[;/ ]J0[0-69]^,or,^[;/ ]J1[0-8]^,or,^[;/ ]J2[012]^,or,^[;/ ]J39.8^,or,^[;/ ]J398^,or,^[;/ ]J40^,or,^[;/ ]J47.9^,or,^[;/ ]J479^,or,^[;/ ]J80^,or,^[;/ ]J85.1^,or,^[;/ ]J851^,or,^[;/ ]J95.821^,or,^[;/ ]J95821^,or,^[;/ ]J96.[02]^,or,^[;/ ]J96[02]^,or,^[;/ ]J96.91^,or,^[;/ ]J9691^,or,^[;/ ]J98.8^,or,^[;/ ]J988^,or,^[;/ ]R05^,or,(,^[;/ ]R06.0[02]^,or,^[;/ ]R060[02]^,),AND,(,^[;/ ]R50.9^,or,^[;/ ]R509^,),or,^[;/ ]R06.03^,or,^[;/ ]R0603^,or,^[;/ ]R09.02^,or,^[;/ ]R0902^,or,^[;/ ]R09.2^,or,^[;/ ]R092^,or,^[;/ ]R43.[012]^,or,^[;/ ]R43[012]^,or,^[;/ ]U07.[12]^,or,^[;/ ]U07[12]^,or,^[;/ ]022.1^,or,^[;/ ]0221[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]034.0^,or,^[;/ ]0340[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]041.5^,or,^[;/ ]0415[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]041.81^,or,^[;/ ]04181[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]079.[1236]^,or,^[;/ ]079[1236][;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]079.8[29]^,or,^[;/ ]0798[29][;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]079.99^,or,^[;/ ]07999[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]117.3^,or,^[;/ ]1173[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]46[0-6][;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]461.[0-9]^,or,^[;/ ]461[0-9][;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]46[1456].[0-9]^,or,^[;/ ]46[1456][0-9][;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]46[1456][0-9][019][;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]478.9^,or,^[;/ ]4789[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]48[0-8][;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]48[023478].[0-9]^,or,^[;/ ]48[023478][0-9][;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]48[28][0-9][0-9][;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]490[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]494.1^,or,^[;/ ]4941[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]517.1^,or,^[;/ ]5171[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]518.5[13]^,or,^[;/ ]5185[13][;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]518.6^,or,^[;/ ]5186[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]518.8[124]^,or,^[;/ ]5188[124][;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]519.8^,or,^[;/ ]5198[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]073.0^,or,^[;/ ]0730[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]781.1^,or,^[;/ ]7811[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]786.2^,or,^[;/ ]7862[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]799.02^,or,^[;/ ]79902[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]799.1^,or,^[;/ ]7991[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]033[;/ ]^,or,^[;/ ]033.[0-9]^,or,^[;/ ]033[0-9][;/ ]^,or,(,^[;/ ]780.60^,or,^[;/ ]78060[;/ ]^,),AND,(,^[;/ ]786.0[59]^,or,^[;/ ]7860[59][;/ ]^,)

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