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BioSense Real-Time Data Initiative: Improving Emergency Preparedness- Monitoring Injury Sub-Syndromes


Analysis of the BioSense data facilitates the identification, tracking, and management of emergent and routine health events, including potential bioterrorism events, injury related incidents and rapidly spreading naturally occurring events (1).  BioSense enhances coordination between all levels of public health and healthcare by providing access to the same data at the same time which can ultimately produce a faster and more coordinated response.  BioSense is a network of networks rather than a stand-alone program. Analysts at the BioIntelligence center (BIC) analyze and track BioSense data activity at a national level and support state and local public health system users (2).


BioSense is a national human health surveillance system designed to improve the nationís capabilities for disease detection, monitoring, and real-time health situational awareness.

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