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Zwicki Becky

ISDS, in collaboration with and with the support of CDC, recently released a new version of the PHIN Messaging Guide for Syndromic Surveillance. This Guide expands on previous versions and includes specifications for transmitting hospital inpatient electronic health record (EHR) information for syndromic surveillance. The webinar will focus on leading participants through the new Guide, explaining the various sections and changes, and showing public health practitioners and vendors how the Guide may be useful in practice. 


This annotated bibliography summarizes close to 50 articles on syndromic surveillance using EHR data from hospital and ambulatory settings. The bibliography is a valuable resource for both practitioners and researchers as they continue to assess the feasibility and utility of using new types of clinical data for syndromic surveillance analyses. As Meaningful Use progresses it is increasingly important to understand both the potential and the limitations of using ambulatory and hospital data for these purposes.

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The HHS Region 10 workshop engaged nine participants from state and local public health departments in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington with experience in syndromic surveillance that ranged from less than 1 year to over 10 years. Representatives from Alaska, which is also in HHS Region 10, were unable to participate. Because the participants did not have access to actual emergency department (ED) syndromic surveillance data for sharing, the focus of the workshop was on building inter- jurisdictional understanding and sharing of practices.

Learning Objectives

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