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Waddell Michael


Mapping ILI surveillance data can be useful in identifying the direction and speed of an outbreak and for focusing control measures for an efficient public health response. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) ILINet currently displays weekly ILI geographic data at a national/regional/state level, but this visual data could also be useful at the local level.


To create a local geographic influenza-like illness (ILI) activity report.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

Effective real-time surveillance of infectious diseases must strike a balance between reliability and timeliness for early detection. Traditional syndromic surveillance utilizes limited sections of the EMR, such as chief complaints and/or diagnosis. However, other sections of the EMR may contain more pertinent information than what is captured in a brief chief complaint. These other EMR sections may provide relevant information earlier in the patient encounter than at the diagnosis or disposition stage, which can appear in the EMR up to 24 hours after the patient’s discharge. Comprehensive analysis may identify the most relevant section of EMRs for surveillance of all major infectious diseases, including ILI.


To investigate which section(s) of a patient’s electronic medical record (EMR) contains the most relevant information for timely detection of influenza-like illness (ILI) in the emergency department (ED).

Submitted by Magou on

In recent years, the threat of pandemic influenza has drawn extensive attention to the development and implementation of syndromic surveillance systems for early detection of ILI. Emergency department (ED) data are key components for syndromic surveillance systems. However, the lack of standardization for the content in chief complaint (CC) free-text fields may make it challenging to use these elements in syndromic surveillance systems. Furthermore, little is known regarding how ED data sources should be structured or combined to increase sensitivity without elevating false positives. In this study, we constructed two different models of ED data sources and evaluated the resulting ILI rates obtained in two different institutions.


To compare the influenza-like illness (ILI) rates in the emergency departments (ED) of a community hospital versus a large academic medical center (AMC).

Submitted by rmathes on

Processing free-text clinical information in an electronic medical record (EMR) may enhance surveillance systems for early identification of ILI outbreaks. However, processing clinical text using NLP poses a challenge in preserving the semantics of the original information recorded. In this study, we discuss several NLP and technical issues as well as potential solutions for implementation in syndromic surveillance systems.


To review the natural language processing (NLP) and technical challenges encountered in an automated influenza-like illness (ILI) surveillance system.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on

Clinical quality measures (CQMs) are tools that help measure and track the quality of health care services. Measuring and reporting CQMs helps to ensure that our health care system is delivering effective, safe, efficient, patient-centered, equitable, and timely care. The CQM for influenza immunization measures the percentage of patients aged 6 months and older seen for a visit between October 1 and March 31 who received (or reports previous receipt of) an influenza immunization. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older receive an influenza immunization every season, which can reduce influenzarelated morbidity and mortality and hospitalizations.


To explain the utility of using an automated syndromic surveillance program with advanced natural language processing (NLP) to improve clinical quality measures reporting for influenza immunization.

Submitted by Magou on

The primary goal of syndromic surveillance is early recognition of disease trends, in order to identify and control infectious disease outbreaks, such as influenza. For surveillance of influenza-like illness (ILI), public health departments receive data from multiple sources with varying degrees of patient acuity, including outpatient clinics and emergency departments. However, the lack of standardization of these data sources may lead to varying baseline levels of ILI activity within a local area.


To examine the baseline influenza-like illness (ILI) rates in the emergency departments (ED) of a large academic medical center (AMC), community hospital (CH), and neighboring adult and pediatric primary care clinics.

Submitted by Magou on

In 2016, the World Health Organization declared Zika virus a global public health emergency. Zika infection during pregnancy can cause microcephaly and other fetal brain defects. To facilitate clinicians’ ability to detect Zika, various syndrome definitions have been developed. 


To develop and validate a Zika virus disease syndrome definition within the GUARDIAN (Geographic Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time for Disease Identification and Alert Notification) surveillance system.

Submitted by teresa.hamby@d… on